Hydraulic study on the Magdalen Islands

Services included analysis of tides, waves and ice dynamics, as well as geomorphological characterization of the coastline.
Stabilization of the banks of Plage-Jacques-Cartier Park

The objective was to preserve this environment and secure the infrastructures while minimizing the environmental impact.
Redevelopment of Des Royaux Park and Larivière Street in Montreal

The work included the installation of bioretention basins, a storm pipe and an energy-efficient lighting network.
Slope stabilization on the Ouimet-Gascon tributary in Terrebonne

This innovative approach, which preserved mature trees and avoided major excavations, is a groundbreaking first in Quebec.
Restoration of the Rock-Forest dam spillway

This complex project required rigorous water management to ensure the safety and sustainability of the infrastructure.
Reconstruction of Blackwood Dam in Brome Lake

The aim of the project was to restore and reinforce the existing dam, enabling the pond to return to its normal operating level.
Safety assessment of Paton and Memphrémagog dams

Our team was commissioned to carry out detailed inspections and assess the design, stability and behavior of the dams.
Safety assessment of Foster Dam in Brome Lake

The purpose of the assessment was to verify the condition of the structure, its stability and functionality, and the conformity of its design and construction.
Mapping landslide-prone areas for the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable

The geomatics service has produced a geospatial database containing information on areas with particular slopes.
Embankment stabilization in Notre-Dame-de-l’Ile-Perrot

This complex project required cutting-edge technical solutions, combining safety, sustainability and respect for environmental issues.