Pierre-Dansereau Park development

An urban development offering innovative water management while respecting historical heritage.


Located at the heart of the Université de Montréal’s new MIL campus, Pierre-Dansereau Park was named in honor of this pioneer of global ecology. With a surface area of 7,000 m², it is triangular in shape, due to its meeting point with the old Canadian Pacific Railway, whose diagonal becomes the new pedestrian axis in keeping with the site’s historical heritage. The layout is distinguished by its multi-functionality, allowing it to meet the recreational needs of the area, while at the same time enabling innovative water management thanks to its rain garden and retention basin.

Our landscape architecture, urban planning, civil engineering and structural teams were commissioned to design this new park, including a water play area, a grassed area for free play (which also acts as a retention basin during heavy rains) and a pedestrian walkway punctuated by works of art. The objective of the mandate was to guide the development of the park and pedestrian walkway by defining the specific design components and producing the final preliminary design to give precise form to the concept. This project is a fine demonstration of our multidisciplinary expertise in the design of public spaces.


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