Major projects in alternative modes

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Major projects in alternative modes

Artelia stands out in the major projects in alternative modes, ensuring optimal coordination and rigorous management through an integrated and collaborative approach.

Artelia stands out for its expertise in the realization of major projects in alternative modes. Our approach, which emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary teams from the earliest stages, allows for optimal coordination, respected deadlines and rigorous cost management. By bringing together architects, engineers and contractors from the beginning of the project, we ensure smooth execution that complies with the legal and regulatory requirements of public contracts.

Public clients, faced with the increasing complexity of projects, procurement challenges and the need to innovate, are looking for efficient and flexible solutions. The alternative modes meet these requirements by offering increased responsiveness and adaptability essential in the current context. At Artelia, we have acquired significant experience in alternative modes, ranging from the role of Independent Certifier to that of Owner’s Engineer, including Expert Advisor and Independent Auditor.

This diversity of skills makes it possible to offer tailor-made solutions, adapted to the specific needs of each project. Artelia’s expertise ensures the success of large-scale projects, overcoming complex challenges and ensuring exemplary coordination between internal and external teams. Our integrated and collaborative approach is the key to the success and optimization of major projects.

"We are proud to say that today, we have one of the finest portfolios of projects, with participation in the vast majority of all the major alternative-modes mandates in Quebec!”
Stéphane Lachapelle
Vice-President - Major projects in alternative modes
Stéphane Lachapelle
"We are proud to say that today, we have one of the finest portfolios of projects, with participation in the vast majority of all the major alternative-modes mandates in Quebec!”
Stéphane Lachapelle
Stéphane Lachapelle
Vice-President - Major projects in alternative modes

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