Water & wastewater treatment

Accueil | Markets | Water | Water & wastewater treatment
Ensuring a reliable supply of drinking water and efficient wastewater management, adapted to the challenges of communities and industry.

Artelia’s expertise in drinking water and wastewater treatment, developed in the municipal and industrial sectors, enables us to design some of the most effective physicochemical and biological systems. Our multidisciplinary teams, specializing in engineering, chemistry and microbiology, work to develop innovative solutions that meet the most stringent requirements in terms of water quality, safety and efficiency of treatment, supply and distribution processes.

Our multi-disciplinary teams have the capacity to carry out treatment and distribution/interception projects of all sizes. Our specialists are able to support municipalities and industries in their drinking water or wastewater treatment projects, from the definition of needs, through to demographic studies, hydraulic studies and feasibility studies. They are also involved in the design and preparation of plans and specifications, assistance in managing calls for tender, supervision of work and commissioning, and applications for authorizations and permits.

In addition to designing treatment plants and high-performance distribution and collection networks, we carry out network characterization and diagnostic studies, draw up master plans for drinking water and effluent management, and conduct economic and technical studies to ensure plant optimization and profitability.

Our key projects

Modernization of the Mont-Tremblant drinking water production plant
Expansion of the Rivière-du-Loup wastewater treatment plant
Optimization of the Jean-R.-Marcotte wastewater treatment plant in Montreal

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