20 November 2023

A great participation by our colleagues at the AAPQ 2023 Annual Conference

A great participation by our colleagues at the AAPQ 2023 Annual Conference
It was a rewarding day at the annual conference of the Association des architectes paysagistes du Québec (APPQ) 2023

It was a rewarding day at the annual conference of the Association des architectes paysagistes du Québec (APPQ) 2023, where our Landscape Architecture department was represented by Donald Girard, Virginie Hébert, Antoine Gamache and Faber Cayouette. The Conference offered an interesting immersion into the world of landscape architecture, under the theme: “Adaptation and resilience through landscape.”

Speakers, panelists and moderators shared inspiring perspectives, in a collaboration between industry and landscape architects. The dynamic exchanges highlighted the technical, innovative and creative aspects of the exhibitors, as well as the collaborative expertise of the representatives present in well-documented booths.

A day marked by reflection, initiated by Bill Reed, co-founder of the US Green Building Council (USGBC), and honoured by well-deserved tributes to two pillars of landscape architecture: Friedrich “Fred” Oehmichen, theorist and practitioner, and Claude Cormier, the creative designer and playful storyteller in pink and green, inspired by Frederick Law Olmsted and Martha Schwartz.

A great day out for our team, who enjoyed renewing their knowledge and taking part in constructive, collegial exchanges.

20 November 2023

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