2 November 2023

Mission accomplished for site supervision at the Highway 10 and Route 139 interchanges

Mission accomplished for site supervision at the Highway 10 and Route 139 interchanges

Our Urban Infrastructures teams in Sherbrooke have successfully completed the supervision of a major worksite in Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby. The project involved the redevelopment of the Route 139/Highway 10 interchange ramps, including the doubling of the bridge over the highway.

Artelia was commissioned by the Ministry of Transport to improve traffic flow and safety in this area, which sees over 50,000 vehicles a day. The objectives were to improve user safety and traffic flow by, among other things, reducing traffic backups to the highway during peak periods on the way to Granby Zoo. Indeed, during the summer season, traffic became so heavy that it could stretch for several kilometers on Route 139. Several projects had been carried out in recent years to remedy the problem, but the backups were still present. Thanks to the new bridge, users now benefit from two additional lanes.

Work requiring flawless traffic management

In addition to overseeing the redevelopment of the Route 139/Highway 10 interchange ramps, the mandate included monitoring work on a total length of 7.7 km. These included the relocation of Rue des Érables, the redevelopment of three intersections and the underground portion of the lighting and traffic lights, as well as supersignalling.

Traffic management was the main constraint to be handled in this contract, with approximately 40,000 vehicles per day circulating within the site limits on autoroute 10 and 11,000 vehicles per day on route 139. What’s more, this was a major project lasting over a year and involving multiple phases of work. Our experts had to meticulously approve and correct the signage presented by the contractor, to ensure that traffic flowed as smoothly and safely as possible, while coordinating the multiple phases of work.

This achievement testifies to the commitment and expertise of our Sherbrooke Urban Infrastructures teams, and demonstrates our ability to meet complex challenges for the benefit of the community.

2 November 2023

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