Modification of Arnaud Junction area rail facilities

New rail facilities to optimize ore transport and handling.


To ensure efficient transportation of the ore extracted from Bloom Lake, a complex rail infrastructure links the extraction sites to the export ports. The ore travels on the Quebec North Shore and Labrador (QNS&L) railroad, then transits to Arnaud Junction, where it takes the Arnaud Railway Company (ARC) to the Pointe-Noire facilities. At the time, several mining companies, including IOC Rio Tinto, Mine Wabush and Consolidated Thompson (CLM), shared this junction to transport their ore to the ports. The aim of the project was to modify the rail facilities in the Arnaud Junction area to increase CLM’s autonomy, thereby optimizing their logistical capacity. This vision of improving the routing of raw materials to reduce environmental impact and overall carbon footprint is a concrete step towards a more responsible economy.

Artelia was commissioned to carry out this project, taking charge of project management and assistance during procurement. Our experts also supervised construction, ensuring rigorous quality control, environmental monitoring and works inspection. Modifications included land clearing, land levelling, installation of new sections of track, culverts and signalling, as well as the construction of inspection roads and the addition of switches. Our expertise enabled CLM to gain operational autonomy, while complying with safety and environmental standards. It should be noted that this project was also carried out with partners from the First Nations, the Innu community being closely involved in many of the stages.


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