Restoration of the Rock-Forest dam spillway

Optimizing water management through technical solutions adapted to hydraulic constraints.


The restoration of the spillway at the Rock-Forest dam, owned by Hydro-Sherbrooke, was aimed at modernizing an essential infrastructure for water management on the Magog River and hydroelectric production for the city of Sherbrooke. This B-rated dam, consisting of seven openings, plays a strategic role in regional hydraulic regulation. The work, carried out in several phases to adapt to hydraulic constraints, made it possible to reinforce the existing structures while meeting current safety requirements.

Our team was responsible for the design of the works, preparation of plans and specifications, preparation of applications for authorization from government departments, and site supervision. Work included rebuilding the pillars, replacing embedded parts, reconstructing the deck and peripheral walls, and adding an expansion joint. This complex project called for an optimized work sequence, including the use of watertight caissons and rigorous water management, guaranteeing the safety and durability of the infrastructure throughout.

Hydro-Sherbrooke (City of Sherbrooke)
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