7 October 2024

Artelia Proud to see Parc des Gorilles inaugurated in Montreal

Artelia Proud to see Parc des Gorilles inaugurated in Montreal

After years of citizen mobilization, Parc des Gorilles was finally inaugurated on September 26 in Montreal’s Rosemont La Petite-Patrie district. Several of our teams were involved in this project, which has transformed this abandoned former industrial zone, dotted with concrete blocks, into a green and pleasant public space.

In 2013, the sudden cutting down of some fifty mature trees on a wooded area much frequented and appreciated by local residents, near Beaubien and Saint-Urbain streets, shocked the local community. For almost 10 years thereafter, residents continued to make the site their own, installing furniture, artworks, gardening containers and organizing clean-up operations. In November 2022, after years of consultation and citizen mobilization, the municipal council approved the development plan for the creation of the Parc des Gorilles on this site.

A multidisciplinary involvement of our teams

Several of our teams were involved in this project. Our mandate included the preparation of studies, the design of plans and specifications and technical assistance for the development of the park, soil remediation, the temporary development of Waverly Street and the burial of cable networks. Our experts in Surveying, Urban Infrastructures, Geotechnics, Environmental Characterization, Ecological Water Management, Structure, Lighting and Traffic Control worked on the project in collaboration with CVILITI and Nadeau Foresterie.

A design concept integrating citizen knowledge

The development concept proposed by our partners CIVILITI incorporated a citizen participation approach. In February 2020, a co-design workshop was held to include citizens’ knowledge and create a park rooted in its environmental, social and historical context. The result highlights the area’s railway and industrial past, offering citizens a green space where trails, playgrounds, urban biodiversity and relaxation come together.

 We’re proud to have contributed to this community-oriented project, which helps reduce heat islands, improves quality of life for residents and creates a space where nature and community meet.

7 October 2024

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